Compu-Aire Ayan IV

Compu-Aire Ayan IV 2-5 Ton In Row Split System

The Compu-Aire Inc. Ayan IV In Row Unit is the latest addition to the Compu-Kool line. This new unit is designed to create an efficient and modern cooling system, without sacrificing space and specifications. This unit has been designed to be green friendly, by using a high efficiency scroll compressor with EC fans, making it the latest innovation for the customer’s specific cooling needs.

This unit has been designed to provide cooling in a horizontal direction, creating a new way to position the unit. The individual unit can be positioned between the racks, creating a more even dissipation of extreme heat from the servers.

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Key Considerations:

  • Elimination of hot spots
  • Ensure stable inlet temperatures at servers
  • Eliminate air short cycling
  • Higher heat ratio

Touch Screen Graphical Display:

  • 5.7” touch screen display with 1/4 VGA resolution
  • 32-bit microprocessor that allows the management of complex graphic images up to 320×240 pixels in size
  • Up to 256 colors, various animated icons, non-proportional fonts in Unicode format, trend graphs of alarms, temperature, humidity, pressure values, and air speed.

If you are interested in this unit, Request Your Free Quote Today!

If you would like to learn more about this unit, give us a call at (800) 780-2673  or email us at